Ausgezeichnet, Frisch, Köstlich, Traditionell, Speziell


Lezzet-i Antep

two brown bread on white ceramic plate

Das berühmteste türkische Dessert: Gaziantep Baklavasi

Gebäck aus hauchdünnen, knusprigen Teigschichten - mit hochwertiger Butter gebacken, mit besonders vielen Pistazien gefüllt und mit Zuckersirup getränkt
a tray of food
a tray of food
Das Sultansdessert: Künefe

Künefe ist ein traditionelles türkisches Dessert, das direkt aus Gaziantep stammt.. Zu den Hauptbestandteilen zählen Kadayif: feine, knusprige, goldgelb gebackene Teigfäden.Sie bedecken einen geschmolzenen Kern aus einem besonders milden, hellen Käse, der sich mit dem verwendeten Zuckersirup ideal ergänzt. Fein gemahlene Pistazienkerne runden die Leckerei ab. Diese orientalische Süßigkeit sollte jede Naschkatze einmal probiert haben!

Katmer aus Gaziantep

Antep Katmeri besteht aus dünnen Teigblättern, die mit reichlich Pistazien aus Antep, geschmolzener Butter und Zucker gefüllt sind. Anschließend wird der Teig gefaltet und geformt, bevor er im Ofen gebacken wird. Dadurch entstehen eine knusprige äußere Schicht und eine köstliche cremige Füllung. Antep Katmeri wird normalerweise warm serviert und kann mit Puderzucker oder Eis garniert werden. Dieses Dessert ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Küche Gazianteps und weithin bekannt für seinen unverwechselbaren Geschmack.

Ottoman Spezialitäten Geschichte

A piece of baklava is placed on a black plate with a wooden handle. The dessert is layered with thin, flaky pastry and topped with crushed pistachios. The surface has a glossy appearance, indicating a syrup glaze.
A piece of baklava is placed on a black plate with a wooden handle. The dessert is layered with thin, flaky pastry and topped with crushed pistachios. The surface has a glossy appearance, indicating a syrup glaze.
An assortment of baklava pieces arranged on a plate, featuring various types of pastries with flaky textures and different fillings. Some pieces have a visible green hue, indicating pistachio filling, while others have crisp, golden-brown layers. A walnut-topped pastry is also present.
An assortment of baklava pieces arranged on a plate, featuring various types of pastries with flaky textures and different fillings. Some pieces have a visible green hue, indicating pistachio filling, while others have crisp, golden-brown layers. A walnut-topped pastry is also present.
Several trays filled with pieces of baklava, a traditional dessert made with layers of filo pastry, nuts, and syrup or honey. The baklava is neatly arranged, with a golden brown color and sprinkled with crushed pistachios.
Several trays filled with pieces of baklava, a traditional dessert made with layers of filo pastry, nuts, and syrup or honey. The baklava is neatly arranged, with a golden brown color and sprinkled with crushed pistachios.
A piece of baklava with flaky, golden-brown phyllo dough layered on top of a dense filling that appears to contain crushed pistachios. The dessert has a shiny, syrupy finish, suggesting it is freshly prepared.
A piece of baklava with flaky, golden-brown phyllo dough layered on top of a dense filling that appears to contain crushed pistachios. The dessert has a shiny, syrupy finish, suggesting it is freshly prepared.
An array of various types of baklava is displayed in a glass case, including different shapes and sizes, with some garnished with pistachios. Behind the counter, two people wearing white uniforms are preparing or managing food in a brightly lit environment with a blue-tiled wall.
An array of various types of baklava is displayed in a glass case, including different shapes and sizes, with some garnished with pistachios. Behind the counter, two people wearing white uniforms are preparing or managing food in a brightly lit environment with a blue-tiled wall.
Ausgezeichnet, Frisch, Köstlich, Traditionell, Speziell

Müşteri Yorumları

Lezzeti Antep baklavaları ve künefesi ile damak çatlatıyor, harika!

Baklavaları gerçekten çok lezzetli. Herkese tavsiye ediyorum, kesinlikle denemelisiniz!

Ahmet Y.
A large metal tray contains a traditional dessert, possibly kunafa, with a golden-orange top layer and sprinkled with green pistachio bits. A person is cutting and serving a piece onto a plate, while stacks of empty plates are visible in the background.
A large metal tray contains a traditional dessert, possibly kunafa, with a golden-orange top layer and sprinkled with green pistachio bits. A person is cutting and serving a piece onto a plate, while stacks of empty plates are visible in the background.


Künefesi mükemmel, baklavaları da bir o kadar lezzetli. Her gidişimde mutlaka alıyorum, asla pişman olmuyorum!

Nest-like pastries filled with nuts, intricately woven with a thread-like pastry. The texture is crispy and golden brown, with glistening nuts peeking through the center.
Nest-like pastries filled with nuts, intricately woven with a thread-like pastry. The texture is crispy and golden brown, with glistening nuts peeking through the center.
Fatma K.

